0. Starting Japanese archery again

Physical consideration of KYUDO -Japanese archery 0. Starting Kyudo (Japanese archery) again About five years ago, I re-started the Kyudo (Japanese archery) practice which I had been doing when I was a student. As I became a frozen shoulder, I decided to do something exercise and decided to start an experienced Kyudo (Japanese archery) practice. At the second year from the beginning (at Isejingu Kyudojo) As the goods I bought about 35 years ago were still usable, I started to practice at the public Kyudojo (Japanese archery hall). I am over 50 years old, but my body did not forget the form, so within a few months I was able to revive until I could use the 17.5 kg bow. At the time of re-start My sense was dull, but my physical form has not changed. That's my good point. This is the best Tekityu (hit) at restart. When I was a student, winning the game was everything, and I was working hard without thinking about anything. Well, my idea is engineeri...